Michael Käppler schrieb:

More in a few hours.

I won't be able to check my mail during the next week so don't expect me to reply until then.
Anyway, I want to ask you some things before I leave.

1. Can someone run the regression test suite for me? I ask because I've never done this and my computer is extremely slow, too.

2. Do you like the idea to let the default margins depend on the paper size in the future?
Yes, seems reasonable.

3. I'm working on a twoside option to achieve the possibility to set different margins for odd and even pages. I can imagine two ways to let the user toggle this behaviour: First, we could introduce an option twoside = ##t in the paper block. If it is set to true, we would leave the left-margin and right-margin values and only swap them for even pages. An other idea would be to introduce "inner-margin" and "outer-margin" and switch to twoside-modus if they are set (and maybe discard left- and right-margin). What is your opinion?
I vote for inner/outer margin in the twoside case. Furthermore, would it be too difficult to implement a additional "margin" called "binding correction" (at least this is the 1:1 translation from the german term)? It is that part of the page that is used to put the pages together (in heavy books, the pages get bend in the middle, so the margin seems to be smaller than he really is, and when you use a spiral binding,
a part of the margin is lost, too).
Ok, one can argue that the same result can be archived by simply adding the binding amount to the inner
margin, but nevertheless, I would second such a feature.



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