Am Montag, 17. August 2009 21:18:56 schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer:
> Am Montag, 17. August 2009 19:56:04 schrieb Kieren MacMillan:
> >      4. add a hidden voice with a MultiMeasureRest, and adjust the
> > #'minimum-length.
> Ah, thats a nice idea. I had tried a hidden voice with normal notes (like
> in, but that (a) messed up
> \relative, (b) gave me note column collisions and (c) also required hiding
> Dot, ledger lines, etc. And of course, that didn't give me any option to
> set a minimum width!
> > #4 is the technique I use most often.
> Yeah, that seems to work best. [...]
> My solution is posed to the LSR:

Grr, it doesn't work so well, though: This will not work in the first measure 
of a line or immediately after a time signature change!

See the attached file, where measures 3, 5 and 7 use that invisible spacer 
rest. It seems that minimum-length will be the minimum length for the whole 
measures, not for the rest itself. So time signature and clef will already 
take a large portion of the desired minimum width and the space left for the 
rest will be too small again...

Unfortunately, it seems that MultiMeasureRest does not use the minimum-X-
extent property, because setting 
   \override MultiMeasureRest #'minimum-X-extent = #'(-5 . 18)
does not have any effect.

Reinhold Kainhofer,,
 * Financial & Actuarial Math., Vienna Univ. of Technology, Austria
 *, DVR: 0005886
 * LilyPond, Music typesetting,

Attachment: Horizontal-spacing-dynamics.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

\version "2.13.3"
\paper {
  line-width = 7\cm
  indent = 0\cm
spacervoice = \new Voice { 
   \override MultiMeasureRest #'transparent = ##t
   \override MultiMeasureRest #'minimum-length = #8

\new Voice \relative c' {
  << { c1 } {s2\f s2\p} >> | \noBreak
  f4 e d c | \noBreak
  \time 2/2
  << { c1 } {s2\f s2\p} \spacervoice >> | \noBreak
  d2 e | \break
  \time 2/2
  << { c1 } {s2\f s2\p} \spacervoice >> | \noBreak
  d2 e |\noBreak
  << { c1 } {s2\f s2\p} \spacervoice >> | \noBreak
  f4 e d c | \noBreak


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