On Sun, Jul 26, 2009 at 07:23:56PM +0000, Werner wrote:
> Reinhold Kainhofer <reinhold <at> kainhofer.com> writes:
> > How about using \new CueVoice?
> It indeed seems to be nearly what I'm looking for. 
> (But I miss an easy example in the docs - it is so complicated there! So I 
> even
> didn't find nor understand it. They explain there more cueDuring then cueVoice
> and everything quite sophisticated.) 
> But in the following example unfortunately the CueVoice, which should be a
> second voice with stems down, behaves like a OneVoice (stems up and down).
> {es?4 es' << {es'4 d8 d~ | d4 f cis8 a f es | d4 c' c h8 b~ | b1 | } \\ \new
> CueVoice { es,4 d8 d~ | d4 f cis8 a f es | d4 c' c h8 b~ | b1 | } >> r4 r8 b'
> a4. g8 }
> So I have to add \stemDown and \stemNeutral.

This is part of NR 1.6.3, and not slated for any kind of major
revision.  Could you suggest a rewrite or addition to the docs,
and/or could Jonathan implement said suggestion or rewrite
something himself.

- Graham

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