Le dimanche 26 juillet 2009 à 02:02 -0700, Graham Percival a écrit :
> Congratulations!  There seems to be a strong correlation between
> working on lilypond and getting PhDs.

Maybe, but in my case it looks more like a coincidence between my
translations meister role in LilyPond and studies, even if one of my
supervisors Carlos Agon often says he and other people at the IRCAM love

>   Are you starting in Sep
> 2009?  If so, we'll have to race to see who finishes first.  ;)

Ha! I don't know when I start, actually :-P  I'm only sure I start not
later than January 2010.

> In this case, updating the CG (eventually -- once all the build
> stuff and translation infrastructure is finished) is even more
> important.

Oh, please don't tell me that, except if you don't mind I update the CG
in one year.


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