Hi Carl,
Le samedi 25 juillet 2009 à 18:14 -0600, Carl Sorensen a écrit :
> make runs through the creation of the .o and the executable.  It finishes
> the fonts, then when it starts compiling the snippets it ends with:

This log is cumbersome to read, because "make" doesn't print
"entering/leaving directory foo/bar/baz" lines. Which version and which
binary of make have you installed?

> make PACKAGE=LILYPOND package=lilypond -C J.S.Bach all &&  make
> PACKAGE=LILYPOND package=lilypond -C F.Schubert all &&  make
> PACKAGE=LILYPOND package=lilypond -C E.Satie all &&  make PACKAGE=LILYPOND
> package=lilypond -C W.A.Mozart all &&  make PACKAGE=LILYPOND
> package=lilypond -C R.Schumann all && true
> mkdir -p ./out
> touch ./out/dummy.dep
> echo '*' > ./out/.gitignore
> true
> mkdir -p ./out
> touch ./out/dummy.dep
> echo '*' > ./out/.gitignore
> true
> mkdir -p ./out
> touch ./out/dummy.dep
> echo '*' > ./out/.gitignore
> true
> mkdir -p ./out
> touch ./out/dummy.dep
> echo '*' > ./out/.gitignore
> true
> mkdir -p ./out
> touch ./out/dummy.dep
> echo '*' > ./out/.gitignore
> true
> mkdir -p ./out
> touch ./out/dummy.dep
> echo '*' > ./out/.gitignore
> true
> mkdir -p ./out
> touch ./out/dummy.dep
> echo '*' > ./out/.gitignore
> true
> make[2]: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.
> make[1]: *** [all] Error 2
> make: *** [all] Error 2

This log doesn't tell me which directory has failed, so I can't do much
to fix this. I'm hopefully pushing cleanup in mutopia stepmake template
along with other changes in half an hour if my working tree builds and
installs well.

> How can I track this down?

Try to find the directory where it fails, and/or try to cleanly rebuild
when I have pushed my changes.


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