2009/7/24 Mark Polesky <markpole...@yahoo.com>:
> In a weird way, I don't think either is appropriate. Sometimes I wish
> there was something like an LSRD (for developers). You know, snippets
> showing how to trace grob-parents, how to sort objects by specific
> properties, how to know when to use #'(0 . 1) and when to use
> #'(-0.5 . 0.5). These sorts of things.
> What's sorely lacking in my opinion is a good reference documentation
> for stuff like music-map, how to get a context from within a music-
> function, the difference between ly:font-design-size and
> ly:font-magnification, stuff like that. I'm learning all this stuff on
> my own but it's like swimming through JELL-O. In the dark. And I think
> there are a lot of useful functions that are totally undocumented (like
> make-sequential-music and its kin). Sometimes I'll find stuff totally
> accidentally, like lily-library.scm.

I can certainly see your point.

> But really, my fancy trick for tracing grob-parents is so snippetish,
> it wouldn't really belong in the conventional documentation. I think
> there should be a "Snippets List for Developers" node on the
> Developers resources page.

May I invite you to add such snippets to the LSR, and tag it as
"devel" for now? Then we'll able to gather only devel-tagged snippets
on such a page.


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