On Sat, Jul 18, 2009 at 12:42 PM, Mark Polesky<markpole...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Patrick McCarty wrote:
>> I think it would be better to work on other things right now.  :-)
>> Unless someone else jumps in and explains exactly how event classes
>> work, that is.
>> I'll put it on my TODO list.  The IR really needs to be cleaned up wrt
>> StreamEvents and related items.
> Right now I'm going through the IR and sorting any unsorted elements.
> For example, the property lists within each IR 1.1.x, etc.
>  http://kainhofer.com/~lilypond/Documentation/user/lilypond-internals/ApplyContext.html

Great!  That would be a huge improvement.

> That shouldn't screw anything up. I'll always post here before applying
> anyway. I'll leave the more code-sensitive stuff to you and others.

The order of these lists doesn't matter, internally, so you're fine.


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