Mark Polesky wrote:
Mark Polesky wrote:
Okay, I think I got somewhere, but now jEdit won't open on my
host drive. I don't know if it's related, but installing VirtualBox/lilybuntu is the only thing that really changed since
I could last open jEdit...

I tried troubleshooting jEdit according to their FAQ, but jEdit
still won't open.

Could it be related? I need my jEdit!

Following the advice of jEdit FAQ, I temporarily renamed my
.jedit folder (I changed it to temp.jedit), and now Windows
won't let me change it back - I get the error "You must type
a filename." Erg, this is just getting worse.

- Mark

I have no idea why it would do something like this. Maybe Bertalan can chime in soon, as he's the JEdit guy and I know he's used VirtualBox and lilybuntu. Do you have a backup of your .jedit folder? Or maybe you can create a new .jedit folder and copy the contents of temp.jedit into it. I don't use JEdit or even Windows except as a virtual machine, so I'm afraid I can't be much help. If VirtualBox relies on Java in some way, then maybe the runtime environment got messed up for JEdit.

Jonathan Kulp

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