On Mon, Jun 29, 2009 at 03:11:09PM -0700, Mark Polesky wrote:
> Are the exact criteria for labeling posted somewhere?

CG 6.2 Issue classification.

... ok, it's a blank section right now, but the location of the
*eventual* posting is obvious.  :)
(once you accept that the CG is your Lord and Master)

> I seem to recall disagreement or confusion regarding:
> Enhancement/Defect
> Accepted/Verified
> Priortiy in general.

This shouldn't matter -- I'm adding people as members so that they
can comment on existing items, not add new items.  Adding new
items will still be the Bug Meister (or very experienced

That said,
- enhancement: something which requires new code.

- accepted: default status once added (by a member)
- fixed: programmer thinks it's resolved
- verified: Bug Meister checks the results in an official binary
  and agrees it's resolved

- priority-high: lilypond crashes
- priority-regression: it worked before
- priority-medium: this is the highest priority for "normal" bugs.
  No, we don't care if you have a comission due tomorrow, or it
  looks like the output of microsoft word.
- priority-low: if the Bug Meister thinks it isn't important,
  and/or isn't likely to be fixed.  For example, anything touching
  Ancient music automatically gets a priority-low, since nobody's
  touched that code in the past four[1] years, and nobody will
  probably touch it in the *next* four years.

[1] I might be using the definition of "four" which encompasses
the numbers 3 or 2.  Whatever, it's been a long time in
lilypond-years.  :)

- Graham

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