On 6/25/09 5:18 PM, "Mark Polesky" <markpole...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> With Carl's help, I've created a new file that contains procedures
> for sorting lists and alists according to a specific algorithm
> that generates more intuitively-ordered lists, which will make it
> a lot easier to locate things in the docs, for example.
I like it. (But see my comments on the earlier email about string-compare).
> I've attached the file here, but I haven't made a patch, because I
> need to know a) if anyone wants to suggest any alterations before
> Carl applies it, and b) precisely where should I enter
> "lily-sort.scm" in the file "lily.scm" (there are procedures
> defined publicly).
IIUC, it can go anywhere in the list, as long as it's before any files
that need to use its functions when they are loaded.
So if you've used these functions in patches to other files (e.g.
define-grobs.scm, define-grob-interfaces.scm) such that they are called
during the loading of those other files, this will have to come earlier.
> I'm interested in feedback regarding my selection and order of
> ranked non-alphanumeric characters ( !?<=>:-_).
I think you already got approval for that sort order in your previous email.
Your slections make ultimate good sense.
> Also I think the initial comments are kind of lengthy, maybe
> someone can comment on that, too.
Personally, I like the comments, because the rationale is there for all to
I think the file looks great. I would like you to consider my proposed
changes to string-compare.
(And I still have my distaste, which I have already mentioned you are free
to ignore, of the named let construct, particularly when it's named loop in
a non-loop construct.)
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