Progress has been slow for the past month.  I'd like to be able to
claim that I'll be getting more done in the next few weeks, but in
all honesty I doubt it.  If anything, I'll be engaged in *more*
household projects, not less.

With that in mind, I think we're looking at 2.14 being at the end
of July at the earliest.  Therefore, I'd like to invite Joe to
merge the new vertical spacing code in the next week or so (or
whenever he feels ready).

I'm also tentatively thinking about pushing to get the website
ready for 2.14.  I still think the English version can be finished
in the next week, which would give the translators a month.  Yes,
the website doesn't need to be introduced at the same time as a
new major version, but I think it'd be cute to do it that way.

Including both these "features" would fit better with the overall
release plan, too: add stuff for the 2.even release, then spend
the next few months fixing issues.  If we don't include the new
vertical spacing in 2.14, then we'll have a lot of pressure to
open up 2.15 as soon as possible, which will result in a 2.14.1,
.2, and *maybe* .3.  Ideally, we'd like to keep 2.14 around for

After a few days of discussion about this, I'll make a list of
2.14 release issues on the google tracker.

- Graham

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