On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Graham
Percival<gra...@percival-music.ca> wrote:
> To counter-act the "texi2html looks boring" idea, here's a new
> version:
> http://percival-music.ca/blogfiles/out/lilypond-general_1.html

Cool!  I think this is a definite improvement to the website's
organization.  I really wish we could port everything to XHTML, since
it makes designing a little easier, but I guess we will have to use
HTML 4.0 Transitional.

> 1) *NO*, I don't think the garish colours and backgrounds look
> good.  I'm showing that we can do whatever we want, not proposing
> that red-text-on-black-image is easy to read!
> I'm probably the worst graphics designer on this list, so I'm not
> even going to *pretend* to be a graphics designer.  If we end up
> going this route, then OF COURSE we'll ask those people to produce
> a beautiful css file.

I would be willing to work on the CSS when everything is ready.  There
are some major annoyances that texi2html has (like using <table
class="menu" ...> instead of something more reasonable like <div
class="menu">), but these issues can be worked around.

> - we also probably want to remove the <h1>section-name</h1> from
>  the page.  Not a big deal.

Or we could just hide it.  I'm already hiding "The music typesetter"
on this page, because I could not think of a good place to put it:


> - texinfo enforces the "content vs. presentation" thing.  All our
>  webpages will have a consistent look; it's not *possible* to
>  do weird hacks in texinfo to create odd stuff for individual
>  pages.  (at least, not without modifying the global css file as
>  well)

If there is a way to change the "class" or "id" for tags on individual
pages, then we could use the same global CSS file.

> - I think it would be cool.  Everybody "knows" that texinfo is
>  boring and bland; I think it would be really neat to have a
>  fancy website created from texinfo.  It could also serve as a
>  great example for other projects as to the possibilities of
>  texi2html.  I think we all agree that it's been great for our
>  manuals, after all!

I agree.  Thanks for working on this!


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