On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 3:29 AM, Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool) <
lilypondt...@organum.hu> wrote:

>>> Tim, have you used VMware before?  This should allow you to
>>> compile LilyPond inside a virtual machine.  I'm not certain what
>>> the best way is to transfer the iso from Jonathan to you, though.
>>  The goal of this iso to make it usable on a virtualization tool. The open
> source Sun VirtualBox can for example mount this as the virtual hard disk.
>> Once it's ready maybe I can create a torrent?  I've never done that before
>> but it's probably the best way to transfer it.  It'll take a while.
> I can also give you FTP access to one of the servers run by me where you
> could upload it. That would be the easiest.
> Bert
Thanks, Bertalan, that would be great.  I have a very slow upload speed,
though, so it might be quicker to snail mail a DVD to someone. :)

I'm close to having a solution to this.  I created an .iso of my own regular
xubuntu installation last night, installed it freshly this morning on a
different partition, and the lilypond builds all worked perfectly.  Just now
I removed all of the software I think is superfluous and am running another
doc-build. If it works I'll create an .iso from it and see how big it is.
The one I made last night was huge, 1.5GB,  but it had all the non-lily
related stuff I always install and it wasn't created from a fresh OS install
the way it's recommended.  This one should be considerably smaller.

Jonathan Kulp
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