On Wed, Jun 10, 2009 at 06:45:38AM -0500, Jonathan Kulp wrote:
> On a fresh installation of Linux Mint (and previously of xubuntu, ubuntu,
> crunchbang, and ubuntulite) I can't get the docs to build properly. It's 
> taking
> several "make doc" commands to get each of the pdf files to be written, and
> then when they appear they're missing all the images.  Here's the tail of the
> terminal output:

Unfortunately that's not enough info to help.  I can suggest a few
things, though:
- can you build input/regressions/utf-8.ly ?  Whenever I reinstall
  Linux, I always forget to install the international fonts.  (and
  those aren't checked by autogen.sh!)
- if that doesn't work, clean the regtests, then try "make doc" in
  there.  Send me the last 1000 lines of the build log.

- Graham

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