------ Forwarded Message
From: Mark Polesky <markpole...@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 02:46:02 -0600
To: "Carl D. Sorensen" <c_soren...@byu.edu>
Conversation: two patches
Subject: two patches


here are two more patches. By the way, *nobody* replied
to my nifty proposal on -devel. Boo hoo.

- Mark

------ End of Forwarded Message


I appreciate your good work on these patches.

I have pushed your patch changing the cheatsheet.

I have not pushed the other patch, because there are some issues that give
me pause.  I'll list them below, and I've copied this email to -devel, so I
can get guidance on how to handle this situation in the future.

1) When you're making lots of different changes, I think it's better to have
multiple small patches.  So I'd prefer to have

0001-Change Lilypond to LilyPond throughout source tree
0002-Change explicitely to explicitly throughout source tree

and so forth.  That way I can have a patch per issue, and I can apply one if
I like it and not the others.

2) I'm not sure how to handle patches to translated documents.  I know that
the translations need to follow a particular commit of the english docs.  If
the change in the translated documents reflects a change in the english
documents, the committish needs to change in the source file, I think.  I'm
not sure exactly how to evaluate the changes you've proposed, and what the
proper means of handling them is.  Translators, please speak up here.  Note
that if we had separate commits for each language, it would be easier for a
translator to review.

3) When I look at the tranlsated patches, I get funny characters in my
output.  I'm not sure if my email program has mangled things or not.  Of
course, I could build the docs and see, but I don't read german, so I'd have
no idea if it were correct or not.  I could review the french.

I don't know if we've ever had anybody (except the translation team) post
patches to a translated document, so we may be breaking new ground here.

I'd like to recommend that patches to translated documents be approved by
the primary translator for that language.  Does this seem reasonable?

Mark, I appreciate your initiative in taking these things on.  I think
you're making a real contribution to LilyPond, and I hope I'm not
frustrating you too much.  I like what you're doing, and want to help get
your work into LilyPond.

Would you be able to create separate patches for each of the main issues
you've addressed in this patch?  I'd apply the english patches for Lilypond
-> LilyPond and explicite -> explicit.  And the translators could evaluate
and apply the translation patches.



Attachment: 0001-Lilypond-LilyPond-typos-and-formatting-nitpicks.patch
Description: 0001-Lilypond-LilyPond-typos-and-formatting-nitpicks.patch

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