Am 25.05.2009, 20:19 Uhr, schrieb Jonathan Kulp <>:
I'm copying the whole Makefile below in case anyone would like to try it
on Windows. The tarball of the Stamitz symphony source files is
available here:
here is a changed version of your makefile, which works under Windows XP.
- I use the environment variable "NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS".
- .mid instead of .midi
- the pattern rule to create PDF and MID(I) files
- tar part commented out, cause on Windows you don't have tar
It works only if no blanks are in the path to the working directory.
If there is at least one blank (on a german Windows the home directory
is called "c:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\<username>") searching does
not work. With make -r -R -p I see the last ends of the parts of
I have tried double quotes around the VPATH parts, it didn't help.
Neither did using semi-colons.
# the name stem of the output files
piece = stamitz
# The command to run lilypond
LILY_CMD = lilypond -ddelete-intermediate-files \
# The suffixes used in this Makefile.
.SUFFIXES: .ly .ily .pdf .mid
# Input and output files are searched in the directories listened in
# the VPATH variable. All of them are subdirectories of the current
# directory (given by the GNU make variable `CURDIR').
$(CURDIR)/Scores \
$(CURDIR)/Parts \
# The pattern rule to create PDF and MIDI files from a LY input file.
# The .pdf output files are created in the `PDF' subdirectory, and the
# .midi files are put into the `MIDI' subdirectory.
%.pdf %.midi:
$(LILY_CMD) $<
if exist "$*.pdf" move /Y "$*.pdf" PDF/
if exist "$*.mid" move /Y "$*.mid" MIDI/
notes = \
cello.ily \
figures.ily \
horn.ily \
oboe.ily \
trioString.ily \
viola.ily \
violinOne.ily \
# The dependencies of the movements.
$(piece)I.pdf: $(piece) $(notes)
$(piece)II.pdf: $(piece) $(notes)
$(piece)III.pdf: $(piece) $(notes)
$(piece)IV.pdf: $(piece) $(notes)
# The dependencies of the full score.
$(piece).pdf: $(piece).ly $(notes)
# The dependencies of the parts.
$(piece)-cello.pdf: $(piece) cello.ily \
figures.ily \
$(piece)-horn.pdf: $(piece) horn.ily
$(piece)-oboes.pdf: $(piece) oboe.ily
$(piece)-viola.pdf: $(piece) viola.ily
$(piece)-violinOne.pdf: $(piece) violinOne.ily
$(piece)-violinTwo.pdf: $(piece) violinTwo.ily
# Say `make score' to generate the full score of all four
# movements as one file.
.PHONY: score
score: $(piece).pdf
# Say `make parts' to generate all parts.
# Say `make foo.pdf' to generate the part for instrument `foo'.
# Example: `make cello.pdf'.
.PHONY: parts
parts: $(piece)-cello.pdf \
$(piece)-violinOne.pdf \
$(piece)-violinTwo.pdf \
$(piece)-viola.pdf \
$(piece)-oboes.pdf \
# Say `make movements' to generate files for the
# four movements separately.
.PHONY: movements
movements: $(piece)I.pdf \
$(piece)II.pdf \
$(piece)III.pdf \
all: score parts movements
# tar -cvvf stamitz.tar \
# --exclude=*pdf --exclude=*~ \
# --exclude=*midi --exclude=*.tar \
# ../Stamitz/*
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