Graham Percival <graham <at>> writes:

> On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 02:13:32PM +0000, Werner wrote:
> > In the glossary
> Thanks, I'll forward these to the glossary editor.
> > In the Notation Reference, maybe there should be added two things in 
> > 1.3.2 Slurs, 
> > first: that \slurDown, \slurUp will take affect on all following slurs,
> > second: that _( will make only this slur beeing downwards and ^( upwards.
> These are both general lilypond constructs.  The first one should
> be explained in the LM, while the second one is explained in NR
> 5.4.2.

Once I started with lilypond, I read in LM, later I usually search (digital
search in the file on the screen, not in printed versions) only in NR. When
there are informations given only in the LM, of course I don't find them
searching the NR. Maybe both should be in one file (is/was there a discussion
about)? (Maybe I will put them together for myself with pdfjoin, but then
ctrl+home brings me up only to one toc ...)
> Hmm.  That said, 5.4.2 would be easier to understand if there were
> a few examples.  

I think so too.

> And the example in NR 1.3.2 would be better with
> _ and ^.  I'll make a note to check the rest of the manual for
> this.

There could be a sentence like: „Notice the difference between \slurUp und ^( ‒
see also [Section 5.4.2 | link]“

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