2009/5/15 Kieren MacMillan <kieren_macmil...@sympatico.ca>:

> I'm trying to come up with a Scheme function to generate string harmonics
> automatically.

Why on earth would you want to do that. ;)

You might like to take a look at Valentin's function here (though it
uses separate voices):


> Questions:
> 1. Is this a good way to go about formatting the note(head)s?


> 2. Is #'duration-log the best way to force the sounding pitch to look like a
> quarter-note head, regardless of the chord's native duration? [Obviously the
> sounding pitch adjustment should have no effect on the timing of the chord.]

It's probably the only way. :)

> 3. How can I turn off the stem of the sounding pitch? [n.b. I know I could put
> it in a separate Voice context, but I'd like to avoid that if possible.]

Tricky without another voice, since there's only one stem for all the
noteheads.  You can change the length of a stem by overriding 'length,
but you'd need to be careful about stem direction because negative
values will be required, and you won't be able to start a stem on the
parenthesized note:

\once \override ParenthesesItem #'font-size = #-1
\once \override Stem #'length = #-4
<c' f'\harmonic
 \tweak #'font-size #-2
 \tweak #'duration-log #4


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