Search this mailist for previous discussion.  In summary,
1) yes, we know about this possible use.
2) yes, we know what to do.
3) no, nobody has volunteered to do it.

If you're willing to help out, please find that previous
discussion (maybe Feb 2009?  March 2009?  Certainly between Jan
and now) and refresh yourself with it.

If you're not willing to help out, then asking us won't change
anything.  I suppose you could give a plea on the -user list for
other people willing to do it.

- Graham

On Mon, May 11, 2009 at 04:49:42PM +0000, Frank Braun wrote:
> Playing music as an amateur and using occasionally typesetting I discovered
> Lilypond some years ago. And I used it with increasing enthusiasm. I'm writing
> music/math/computer science occasionally in Wikipedia too.
> Math is no problem because with TeX there is a tool which exceeds 
> expectations.
> But writing  music in wikipedia means generating  pictures uploading them and
> the correction of little errors in notes ist a cumbersome process.
> So I started a thread in
> only to learn that this wish has been online since 2004 in
> This thread seems to unite only musicians who have no knowledge to develop
> neither wikipedia tools nor lilypond interfaces to wikipedia. Since 2004
> musicians do want a tool and occasionally wikipedians answer that some 
> problems
> (DoS attacks, time limitations...) have to be solved.
> My question and my plea is: could a lilypond developer grasp the essential
> points of the discussion in
> (I know its very long and boring to read in the whole)
> and tell the real responsible people of wikipedia (tim starling) if the 
> problems
> of an integration of lilypond into wikipedia can be solved and how this could 
> be
> done.
> Yours sincerely
> Frank Braun
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