2009/5/9 Carl D. Sorensen <c_soren...@byu.edu>:

> Similar to the  Bass_Figure_engraver, I don't think I want to use
> ASSIGN_EVENT_ONCE (), because even if I have polyphonic rests, I just want
> one N.C. symbol.

<< { r4 } { r8 r } >>

will result in two no-chord symbols unless you assign it once.

> No, I'm proposing that the N.C. markup would be a ChordName grob.  When I
> look at Chord_name_engraver::process_music, the markup is added to the
> ChordName grob.  If it's a rest, I'd just add the N.C. markup, instead of
> the ChordName markup.

What I meant was: would you use the chord name function to return the
`N.C.' markup to the engraver before it creates the ChordName (so
noChordSymbol would be read inside the function, rather than directly
in the engraver)?

I favour reading it directly in the engraver, even though all the
other properties (apart from chordChanges) are accessed by the
formatting function.

> I still want to set a symbol setting last_chord_ as a rest, because  if
> chordChanges is true, I want to have a chord name printed following a NC,
> even if it's the same as the previous chord.  And I don't want to NC printed
> twice for successive rests.  Hence, I need to have last_chord_ set to
> something to indicate a rest -- and I can't use chord pitches because there
> aren't any for the rest.

I don't think this would be a problem, since last_chord_ would be '(()
()) if the previous ChordName is generated from a rest event.


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