In message <20090508110915.ga2...@nagi>, Graham Percival <> writes
On Fri, May 08, 2009 at 03:03:12AM -0700, Mark Polesky wrote:

I'm thinking about finally running the
(windows->linux me) procedure, and I'm
wondering what distros you developers
prefer to use (and why).

Developers: debian, because it's the only sane choice.

New users: ubuntu, because it's shiny.

And Ubuntu is a debian derivative, so they're just one choice anyway :-)

Honestly, any answer you get will either be "well, they all have
their strengths and weaknesses, so it's really up to you", rampant
flamebait and mindless self-cheerleading, or thinly-veiled
flamebait and very-slightly-thoughtful self-cheerleading.  I just
decided to cut to the chase by including all three in my email.

Well, I'd say gentoo (or similar) was the only sane choice for developers :-) But it wouldn't be a sane choice for you, if you're thinking of leaving Windows. It's NOT a good "first distro" choice.

As a first distro, I'd agree with Ubuntu or Kubuntu (try and have a play on someone's system with both Gnome and KDE - see which one suits you best). Or (and it's not very popular at the moment) try and get a copy of SuSE 11. I've long been a SuSE fan. You can get liveCDs of all three to try out and see what you think.

And if you want a "learn the hard way" distro (which I *would* *strongly* recommend, but you really want a bit more experience than just Windows), then try Slackware. Oh - and the thing about Slackware - it has the reputation of booting and installing on pretty much ANYTHING. A lot of liveCDs and distros have trouble booting on some hardware - they'll recognise anything modern, but often will choke on something a bit older. I could never get liveCDs to work on my system.

Anthony W. Youngman -

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