Op woensdag 22-04-2009 om 14:48 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Jan

Hi Patrick,

> fails.  I'm attaching a patch that you can try as workaround.  Now it
> puzzles me why tar does *not* fail in GUB for me.  It should.  Hmm.

Interesting, if I use the command below to print the current librestrict
setting in gub/gup.py

                         'echo "**** * LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD" && echo && cd 
%(root)s && tar -C %(root)s -p -x%(_z)s%(_v)s -f %(ball)s'

and re-install, say, make, then LD_PRELOAD is unset for me

    bin/gup -p tools remove make
    bin/gub tools::make
    invoking echo "**** * LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD" && echo && cd 
/home/janneke/vc/gub/target/tools/root && tar -C 
/home/janneke/vc/gub/target/tools/root -p -x -z -f 
    **** * LD_PRELOAD=

LD_PRELOAD is set when by gub/build.py.  When running gub/buildrunner.py's
pkg_install (), I don't see how it can be set by gub.  I don't expect you
have LD_PRELOAD set to librestrict.so when invoking gub?

Also, when I do

    LD_PRELOAD=$(pwd)/target/tools/root/usr/lib/librestrict.so bin/gub 

the LD_PRELOAD is printed

    invoking echo "**** * LD_PRELOAD=$LD_PRELOAD" && tar -C 
/home/janneke/vc/gub/target/tools/root -p -x -z -f 
    **** * 

but tar still succeeds.  Hmm.


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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