In message <>, Carl D. Sorensen
<> writes
I'm going to step in here, perhaps where wise men fear to tread.
The LilyPond music glossary isn't intended to be a definitive music
dictionary, is it?
So do we care what reference concert pitch uses? Does it matter if it's
A=440, or A=445, or A=450?
It does matter that the reference is accurate.
Aren't the key issues that:
1) Concert pitch is established relative to some frequency standard.
2) Transposing instruments use notation relative to some other frequency
standard, such that a C in the transposing instrument notation is the same
frequency as the transposing instrument's note in concert pitch.
Thus, when a player playing a Bb clarinet plays what's notated in the Bb
clarinet part as a C, it sounds as a Bb in concert pitch.
I think you're right ...
It seems to me that all the rest of the information is more than is needed
for the LilyPond glossary; it's available in some other music dictionary.
But a little extra information always helps. I find understanding WHY is
always a good idea. The trouble is there are far too many corner cases,
and in trying to be simple and short, people keep on coming up with
And, while I don't want to plug my instrument as an example, I've come
across too many cases here with lilypond and elsewhere where people
don't understand how to correctly notate transposing instruments, that I
think a bit of extra information is important.
Of course, I barely qualify as a musician, so don't feel any obligation to
follow my suggestions.
Anthony W. Youngman -
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