Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
I'm going to step in here, perhaps where wise men fear to tread.

The LilyPond  music glossary isn't intended to be a definitive music
dictionary, is it?

Nope. A basic understanding of transposition should be all that is important here.
So do we care what reference concert pitch uses?  Does it matter if it's
A=440, or A=445, or A=450?

Some of us care for a non-notational reason: Woodwinds are built to specific proportions which make them much more in tune at a specific frequency. In the 1970s flutes were reproportioned by manufacturers who could afford to retool from Boehm's original 435 to 445. I didn't find the right keywords yet to find out what modern clarinets are designed for. There are old saxophones marked "low pitch" which are somewhat impractical when played with normally tuned pianos. I recently played my flute with a modern Yamaha Xylophone which was tuned to at least 445Hz. A bit of a challenge!


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