On 4/6/09 3:48 AM, "Patrick McCarty" <pnor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 09:37:09AM +0200, Mats Bengtsson wrote:
>> Patrick McCarty wrote:
>>> So, is the patch okay as it is?
>> Don't refer to *.cc files for more information on the subproperties in
>> details. These are (or at least should be) described in the
>> corresponding *-interface documentation. See for example
>> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/user/lilypond-internals/stem_002d
>> interface#stem_002dinterface
>> for documentation of the stem related subproperties.
> Thanks Mats, I did not think of doing that.
> This will be a task in itself. For example, Tie has 26 different
> subproperties of 'details to document!
This documentation *has* to be automatically generated. But I don't know
the architecture for allowing this.
I think that we should go ahead with this patch, and leave the *.cc
reference in, until we can figure out a way to automatically document the
details property properly for each separate grob.
That's why we created a *separate* fret-diagram-details property. It was
easily documented as a separaate property, with each of the details included
in the description.
Anybody up for developing a self-documenting architecture for details?
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