2009/3/8 David Kastrup <d...@gnu.org>:
> Hi, using a file debug.ly with the contents
> #(top-repl)
> I can get an interactive guile prompt.

Wow, I didn't know you can do that! Where on Earth is such a cool
feature documented?

>  However, things like
> (display-scheme-music #{ \notemode { c' e'  g' c'' e'' } #})
> which I picked off
> <URL:http://nicolas.sceaux.free.fr/prelude/prelude.html> don't work.

Look everybody, Nicolas has a new webdesign! Nice :-)

That being said, where on Earth (again) have you found a link to this
(exciting) page? (and by the way, why is Nicolas always trying to hide
his coolest pages?)


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