On Sat, Mar 07, 2009 at 12:08:06AM -0800, Mark Polesky wrote:
> And here's my streamlined code, using about
> 40% fewer operators/operands, and about
> 40% less space in the file. 
> I know, not a big deal, just thought I'd share.
> Maybe the concept is of interest to someone.

Cool!  Can you see any similar tricks that you can do on
scm/output-ps.scm ?  (or wherever the basic lilypond stuff is

One possible concern: although your new version uses 40% less
operators, is there any speed difference?  Sometimes having more
commands can actually result in faster code.

I'm not certain if this is applicable here, nor how precisely
you'd test it (open each file in xpdf three times and average the
wait?), but we might want to be a bit cautious, even if you *can*
see how to make significant reductions like this in the basic
lilypond output.  :)

- Graham

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