On Wed, Mar 4, 2009, Valentin Villenave <v.villen...@gmail.com> said:

> Ian, Dana, and others: if I may, perhaps this would be the appropriate
> time for some scanned samples of ancient or modern scores
> demonstrating this use...

Sorry, no scanner available except by hire, which I cant afford just now;
I have perused the few I have on hand, but all from one source which
doesnt have any notes as long as a breve.  looking to buy a scanner.  I do
have semeral facsimile editions out in the car, and will peruse them later
today, if I see something I can at least cite the occurance (and note it
for myself for when I make that font).

Ample fascimiles in the library, for those who will take the trouble to go
and look -

_New Groves Dictionary of Music and Musicians_, 'Notation',
'Sources-Lute', 'Tablature'.

Many facsimle editions of historical lute tablature have been published,
Broude Brothers is but one modern publisher.

Its not difficult to design suitable glyphs for tablature half-notes -
take a headless stem, center a small circle on it and you have one form;
take a headless stem and add a tail which goes left for the other; pick
one of these to serve for half-notes et voila.  Nothing serves for whole
notes save avoidance.

Dana Emery

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