On 3/1/09 2:44 PM, "Marek Klein" <ma...@gregoriana.sk> wrote:
> With your suggestion and one more line of code it works now with
> ly:parser-define!
> (define counter-alist '())
Will it work with the above line missing? The whole point of using
ly:parser-define! is to avoid having a global variable.
When you use
(define counter-alist '())
you are defining counter-alist as a global variable. I think you should be
able to just remove that line.
> (define (print-book-with parser book process-procedure)
> (let*
> ((paper (ly:parser-lookup parser '$defaultpaper))
> (layout (ly:parser-lookup parser '$defaultlayout))
> (output-suffix (ly:parser-lookup parser 'output-suffix))
> (counter-alist (ly:parser-lookup parser 'counter-alist))
^^^^^^^ Here you're making a local variable counter-alist by getting the
parser value of counter-alist; I don't like to use the same name for both,
although Scheme allows it. I would use a variable name like local-counter,
so that there would be no confusion between the two.
> (output-count (assoc-ref counter-alist output-suffix))
> (base (ly:parser-output-name parser)) )
> (if (string? output-suffix)
> (set! base (format "~a-~a" base (string-regexp-substitute
> "[^a-zA-Z0-9-]" "_" output-suffix))))
> ;; must be careful: output-count is under user control.
> (if (not (integer? output-count))
> (set! output-count 0))
> (if (> output-count 0)
> (set! base (format #f "~a-~a" base output-count)))
> (ly:parser-define! parser 'counter-alist (assoc-set! counter-alist
> output-suffix (1+ output-count)))
^^^ Here you do an assoc-set! on the local counter-alist and define the
parser value of counter-alist to be the assoc-set! on the local value. So I
don't think you ever use the global value of counter-alist.
> (process-procedure book paper layout base)
> ))
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