On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 08:09:21AM -0600, Jonathan Kulp wrote:
> Is this right?  I surmise that this pulls down more code than strictly  
> necessary for working on docs, but I don't mind having the extra code.  
> Maybe I should delete the whole directory and do a fresh clone.

Oh, I forgot to mention...

I personally hope that you **don't** learn anything about git from
all this discussion.  I need somebody who is intelligent, willing
to follow instructions, willing to patient while we work out
problems... but who fundamentally ONLY follows the instructions
written in the latest online version of CG 1.

That's the only way that we'll get good docs for new contributors.
Remember my "the only answer is RTFM" idea?  i.e.

1.  Contributor (you) has a problem.
2.  Knowledgeable person glances at the docs, fixes / clarifies
the point in question.
3.  Knowledgeable person says "RTFM 1.1  (but wait until midnight
when the new changes will be visilbe)"
4.  Goto #1
5.  Profit.  ($$$)

Once we've gone through all this pain (you being confused about
git, and we (possibly including me) editing the CG), the next
contributor will have a much easier task.

- Graham

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