Hi, all!
The horizontal placing of breathing signs in Gregorian Chant is anyway
somewhat broken. Looking e.g. at the "Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus"
example in "2.8.4 Typesetting Gregorian chant", the distance for the
second divisio minima (after the second "Sanctus") is fine, while the
distance for the other two divisiones minimae is too wide.
I suggest the following: If removing the extra-X-extent from
gregorian-init.ly does not increase the distance between the breathing
sign and the preceding note (particularly the distance after the second
"Sanctus"), then please remove it without replacement, since the minimum
distance looks ok and the other bad distances can not be fixed by a
constant extra extent anyway. For double-checking, you should also ensure
that removing the extra X extent has no visible impact on the "Salve,
Regina" example at the beginning of chapter 2.8.
Many thanks & greetings,
On Sat, 31 Jan 2009, Patrick McCarty wrote:
After looking through source, I can't find a spot where
'extra-X-extent and 'extra-Y-extent are recognized, yet they are
documented in the grob interface and an 'extra-X-extent override is
used six times in ly/gregorian.ly.
If they are no longer functional, should a convert-ly rule be added for them?
Do 'minimum-X-extent and 'minimum-Y-extent replace these old
properties? If not, which overrides should be used instead for
\virgula, \caesura, etc. in ly/gregorian.ly?
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