Op dinsdag 20-01-2009 om 11:03 uur [tijdzone -0200], schreef Han-Wen

> I've added a TODO; I am a little bit suspicious, because the install
> triggers a slew of compiles.

Ok, moved to makeflags (), works for me.

> > Btw, how about #lilyp...@freenode?
> I don't spend that much time that that would be worthwhile.  For quick
> questions and urgent matters I'm logged into my Google Talk during day
> (and work) time.

Ah, but that's much less easy to ignore than irc ;-)


Jan Nieuwenhuizen <jann...@gnu.org> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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