>>>>> "Werner" == Werner LEMBERG <w...@gnu.org> writes:

    >> I'd especially like someone to look at some of the problems with
    >> lilypond-book.  Particularly the margin settings.

    Werner> What exactly do you mean?

One of the problems I was thinking about does seem to have been fixed
on 2.12.   

The other one is the attached lilypond file, which looks good if you
just run lilypond on it, but if you run lilypond-book on the attached
.lytex file, you don't really get a usable piece. I reported this
issue a few months ago, and someone did do some work, so that the
music no longer runs off the page, but I think you'll agree that the
lilypond output is much more what the user would want than the
lilypond-book output.  

Attachment: testinstrument.ly
Description: Binary data

Attachment: testinstrument.lytex
Description: Binary data

I'm sure I could eventually figure out when I can use lilypond-book
and when I can't, but we really would rather it just worked and we
didn't have to document something like that.  It might even be easier
to fix than to document, for someone who understands enough about
what's going on.

The other major problem that makes lilypond-book harder to use than it
ought to be for real-world projects is that changing included files
doesn't cause the snippets they affect to be regenerated.  I have a
script that works around this issue, but it's a pain to maintain.

    >> I would think the reason those problems haven't been fixed is that
    >> it's more than a few hours to do it, but I would really be surprised
    >> if it were more than two months.

    Werner> If I have some time I'll work on the LaTeX output of lilypond-book.

That would be great.  I really think having a good interface between
lilypond and well-supported publishing programs is a better idea than
putting new publishing features into lilypond on an ad-hoc basis.

Laura   (mailto:lcon...@laymusic.org http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   

There is a law that no formal fromework of an organisation, or a
society, can affect.  Or not for long.  It is that those who do the
work are the real rulers of it, no matter how they are described.

Doris Lessing, The Sirian Experiments

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