Hi Anne,

I'd suggest you start by joining the Frogs [1]. As a Frog, you will get
some get some help in exploring lilypond's internals for the first time.
You could also have a look at the bug tracker [2] if you want ideas for
a project. Have a look, in particular, at the bugs with priority "Low"
or "Postponed" (they're not marked as such because they're unimportant
but because the fixes are nontrivial, so one of them might make a
good-sized project). If you're at all interested in ancient notation, we
have a lot of good bugs. Or if you have something in mind, feel free to
suggest it.

You'll need to know some scheme and C++; the degree to which you need
one or the other depends on what sort of things you work on. We don't
use any super-fancy features of C++ so you should have no difficulty
with your Java and C background.

Welcome to lilypond!


[1] http://www.nabble.com/LilyPond-Grand-Organization-Project%
3A-ongoing-jobs-td21240038.html#a21240038 (near the bottom)
[2] http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/list

On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 13:46 +0100, Anne Ghisla wrote: 
> Hello all,
> I started working with LilyPond some time ago and I am impressed of its high 
> quality output and richness of features.
> I was wondering if I could propose a project for Google Summer of Code [1], 
> since I have participated last year and it has been a positive experience, 
> and is still growing up. [2]
> I program for fun and have some C, Java, R experience - I also learn music. 
> In 
> any case, I'd like to contribute to LilyPond project.
> regards,
> Anne Ghisla
> [1] http://code.google.com/soc/2008
> [2] http://wiki.qgis.org/qgiswiki/GSoC2008Rbinding
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