In message <>, Mats Bengtsson
<> writes
I would soften the formulation a bit, for example replacing
"When ... into a variable", wrap ..." by
"When ... into a variable, it is recommended to wrap ..."
Fine, that's okay :-)
After all, this is just a recommended practice, it's not the
one and only way to do things. Especially, I'm not sure I
see the point of going via C if I for example want to transpose
a piece for B clarinet into A clarinet. Rather, it would give me
a doubled chance to mix the "from" and "to" arguments.
And what happens if you're transposing from Bf Trombone to Ef :-)
You're going to get into a wonderful mess if you forget which key your
original music is in ...
I know the trombone is an unusual instrument in that sense, playing in
both Bf and C, but that's why I said "always convert to C".
To my mind, "always convert via C" means I don't get confused as to
which pitch a piece of music is in. (And as I said, it makes it easy to
print a score in concert). It's just a case of being consistent, and if
you re-use the music you don't have to ask yourself "was the original in
(in your example) B or A?". You know your variable is in C.
Trevor Daniels wrote:
Thanks Anthony - I'll add it as you suggest.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Anthony W. Youngman"
To: "lilypond-devel" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 11, 2009 7:56 PM
Subject: Learning manual addition (Section 5.1.2)
Having had an (off-list) discussion with Chip about transposition,
I've written the following little snippet which would probably fit
well in 5.1.2 (manual 2.12.1), if the maintainer would care to add it.
* When entering a part for a transposing instrument into a variable,
wrap the notes in a "\transpose c natural-pitch {}" (where
"natural-pitch" is the open pitch of the instrument) so that the music
is stored in lily at concert pitch. You can transpose it back again on
output if required, but you might not want to (score in concert pitch,
converting trombone part from treble to bass clef etc) and it's a lot
easier if everything internal to lily is in a consistent pitch.
Also, only ever transpose to/from C. That means that the only other key
you will use is the natural pitch of the instrument - Bf for a Bf
trumpet, Af for an Af clarinet, etc.
I've noticed we seem to get people on the list every now and then
who it seems play a non-transposing instrument but are asked "can you
this for so-and-so who plays (let's say) the trumpet", and because
they've never personally experienced a transposing instrument they
seem to have trouble knowing how to cope.
-- Anthony W. Youngman -
lilypond-devel mailing list
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Anthony W. Youngman -
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