Please junk

On Fri, Jan 2, 2009 at 11:31 AM, John Mandereau
<> wrote:
> Do we want to keep buildscripts/
> This script was designed to update Savannah CVS with changes made in
> Git repository during the transition between the two revision
> systems.  We no longer need this script for this purpose, but with a bit
> of hacking we could still use it to generate a ChangeLog for changes
> made since 2.10.  However, I don't think a ChangeLog would be really
> useful: IMO curious people should install Git, download the Git
> repository and browse the Git history, which is much more powerful than
> reading a ChangeLog.
> In brief, I'm for removing this script from current sources.  Please
> complain if you disagree.
> Best,
> John
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