I agree and would like to support this too...
Josh Parmenter escreveu:
So why not make the 10.5 package use it? Or is there a way to make it
available? It seems like it would make more sense to point users to
the 10.5 only wrapper then to continue directing them to build / hack
it themselves... no?
If there is a way I could help out with this, I'd be more then happy
to... just let me know what needs to be done.
On Dec 27, 2008, at 7:06 PM, Patrick McCarty wrote:
Hi Josh,
On Sat, Dec 27, 2008 at 6:14 PM, Josh Parmenter
<j...@realizedsound.net> wrote:
I just noticed that the 2.12 download for Mac Leopard still has
for building, etc. I thought the wrapper app problems had been
solved? Is
this not the case?
I think the problem is that the wrapper app *only* works on Leopard.
IIRC, there were reports of it not working on 10.4.
/* Joshua D. Parmenter
“Every composer – at all times and in all cases – gives his own
interpretation of how modern society is structured: whether actively
or passively, consciously or unconsciously, he makes choices in this
regard. He may be conservative or he may subject himself to continual
renewal; or he may strive for a revolutionary, historical or social
palingenesis." - Luigi Nono
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