
it seems that lyrics are confused by ties when skipTypesetting is
switched on. Consider the attached example - it works perfectly as is,
but when the first line is changed to skipTypesetting = ##t, all
remaining lyrics are shifted one note to the left, presumably because
the tie on the second note is not taken into consideration (when
inserting more ties, the lyrics are shifted even further).

I tried to look a bit into the issue, and the problem seems to be that
lyrics only skip noteheads when tieMelismaBusy is set to ##t, but
setting this property happens in Tie_engraver::process_music which is
not called when skipTypesetting = ##t.

As far as I can see from my quick tests and inspections, the "root
call" which is disabled by skipTypesetting is the line

  precomputed_recurse_over_translators (context (), PROCESS_MUSIC, UP);

in Score_engraver::one_time_step. This recursively calls
precomputed_recurse_over_translators for the Staff and Voice contexts,
and only when all this happens is the call to
Tie_engraver::process_music performed.

My question is: could tieMelismaBusy be set somewhere else so that
this also happens when music is not processed for typesetting? Or is
there another way to make skipTypesetting work properly with lyrics?
Any hints are appreciated.


Attachment: skipTypesetting_lyrics_bug.ly
Description: Binary data

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