Can you also voice this concern on the guile devel list?

I think the reason the function exists is that is slightly more
efficient.  Feel free to define a +1 function and change lily to use

On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 11:21 AM, Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I found that many places you use the procedure 1+. Besides that how
> ridiculous I think is to have a function that spares a "space" (1+ instead
> of (+ 1, the real concern is that it doesn't conform to R5RS. R5RS doesn't
> allow identifiers to start with a number.
> I know that GUILE allows it (I wonder why).
> But my Scheme parser (Julie) is stricter then Guile in this sense, so it
> won't be able to parse LilyPond-supported SCM files. I want to parse them.
> Could you change the (1+ calls to (+ 1?
> It's just a question about your opinion.
> Bert
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