On 12/14/08 11:45 PM, "Mark Polesky" <markpole...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> LM 1.1 Background - "Engraving" states:
> "our staff lines... are also
> much thicker than lines in the
> computer edition."
> In both the HTML and PDF versions, LilyPond's staff lines are
> in fact the thinnest when compared. I've included a png to
> make this easier to see. In the HTML version, the distance
> from top to bottom staff line of the LP example was smaller
> than the other 2, but even when scaling the LP example to
> match the other 2 (as I've done here) the LP lines are still
> the thinnest. The PDF example is magnified about 300 times.
> Can someone explain this?
> - Mark
The staff lines on your other examples have been broadened by anti-aliasing.
The staff line on the LilyPond example have not been, because it's a vector
drawing. So your comparision is not apt.
I have not viewed the originals to make any judgement of them.
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