Hi John,

2008/12/14 John Mangual <john.mang...@gmail.com>:
> how would i go about looking up the scheme source code for a specific
> function like "transpose" or "tuple" or "key"

It depends on whether the function is a parser keyword or music
function; if it's the latter (you can check this by looking at
appendix B.14, Identifiers) then you're most likely to find it in

In the case of keywords, you'll have to follow the trail from the
parser.  For example, here's the parser entry for \transpose:

        | TRANSPOSE pitch_also_in_chords pitch_also_in_chords music {
                Pitch from = *unsmob_pitch ($2);
                Pitch to = *unsmob_pitch ($3);
                SCM pitch = pitch_interval (from, to).smobbed_copy ();
                $$ = MAKE_SYNTAX ("transpose-music", @$, pitch, $4);

The MAKE_SYNTAX macro calls the Scheme function transpose-music, which
you'll find in scm/ly-syntax-constructors.scm:

(define-ly-syntax-simple (transpose-music pitch music)
  (make-music 'TransposedMusic
              'element (ly:music-transpose music pitch)))


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