Hash: SHA1

Am Samstag, 13. Dezember 2008 12:03:21 schrieb madhg:
> Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> > ...
> > Attached is a patch to implement straight flags (in modern style, i.e.
> > slanted
> > only ~20 degrees). I think the angles (different angles for up/down
> > stems!)
> > and the lengths are okay, although they might still be fine-tuned a bit
> > more.
> > ...
> I've been watching this thread, and successive Lilypond versions, to see
> what's happening about the straight flags that I offered to sponsor in the
> first post of the thread.

There is some code already existing (but commented out) in flag-styles.scm. 
Attached is an example of my current version plus the patch to get them.

However, I'm running into some problems:
- -) How can I obtain the line-thickness. It's not a property of the stem grob
    and in the flag formatting function I don't have the curent layout object
- -) How can I obtain the width of a black notehead? In particular, for grace
    notes the flag needs to be scaled according to the note head, so the 
    staff-space can't be used for this.
- -) What's the best way to convert an angle/length pair of polar coordinates
    (angle given in degree) to cartesian coordinates in scheme / guile? I
    don't want it as a complex number, but as a pair of reals...
- -) How shall the slash through grace notes look exactly for straight flags?

I hope some of the other developers can help me in this regard.

- -- 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
email: reinh...@kainhofer.com, http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien, http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/
 * K Desktop Environment, http://www.kde.org, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien", http://www.jung-wien.at/
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)

\version "2.11.57"

\header {
  texidoc = "Straight flag styles."

% test notes, which will be shown in different style:
testnotes = { \autoBeamOff c'8 d'16 c'32 d'64 \acciaccatura {c'8} d'64 c''8 d''16 c''32 d''64 \acciaccatura {c''8} d''64  }

  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
  \time 2/4
  R2 \break
  \mark "normal"
%   \break

  \mark "modern straight"
  \override Stem #'flag = #modern-straight-flag

  \mark "old straight (large angles)"
  \override Stem #'flag = #old-straight-flag
%   \break
  \mark "custom slant"
  \override Stem #'flag = #(straight-flag 0.35 0.8 -5 0.5 60 2.0)

From 90718547de93b6011d08daef54e1a6162a783462 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Reinhold Kainhofer <reinh...@kainhofer.com>
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2008 14:25:02 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Implement straight flags in scheme

 input/regression/flags-straight.ly |   35 ++++++++++++
 scm/flag-styles.scm                |  101 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------
 2 files changed, 101 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 input/regression/flags-straight.ly

diff --git a/input/regression/flags-straight.ly b/input/regression/flags-straight.ly
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3bdd5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/input/regression/flags-straight.ly
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+\version "2.11.57"
+\header {
+  texidoc = "Straight flag styles."
+% test notes, which will be shown in different style:
+testnotes = { \autoBeamOff c'8 d'16 c'32 d'64 \acciaccatura {c'8} d'64 c''8 d''16 c''32 d''64 \acciaccatura {c''8} d''64  }
+  \override Score.RehearsalMark #'self-alignment-X = #LEFT
+  \time 2/4
+  R2 \break
+  \mark "normal"
+  \testnotes
+%   \break
+  \mark "modern straight"
+  \override Stem #'flag = #modern-straight-flag
+  \testnotes
+  \break
+  \mark "old straight (large angles)"
+  \override Stem #'flag = #old-straight-flag
+  \testnotes
+%   \break
+  \mark "custom slant"
+  \override Stem #'flag = #(straight-flag 0.35 0.8 -5 0.5 60 2.0)
+  \testnotes
diff --git a/scm/flag-styles.scm b/scm/flag-styles.scm
index acdc381..de4206c 100644
--- a/scm/flag-styles.scm
+++ b/scm/flag-styles.scm
@@ -13,41 +13,72 @@
-;; ;; TODO
-;; (define-public (add-stroke-straight stencil dir stroke-style)
-;;   stencil
-;; )
-;; ;; Create a stencil for a straight flag
-;; ;; flag-thickness, -spacing are given in staff spaces
-;; ;; *flag-length are given in black notehead widths
-;; ;; TODO
-;; (define-public (straight-flag flag-thickness flag-spacing
-;;                        upflag-angle upflag-length
-;;                        downflag-angle downflag-length)
-;;   (lambda (stem-grob)
-;;     (let* ((log (ly:grob-property stem-grob 'duration-log))
-;;            (staff-space 1) ; TODO
-;;            (black-notehead-width 1) ; TODO
-;;            (stem-thickness 1) ; TODO: get rid of
-;;            (half-stem-thickness (/ stem-thickness 2))
-;;            (staff-space 1) ; TODO
-;;            (up-length (+ (* upflag-length black-notehead-width) half-stem-thickness))
-;;            (down-length (+ (* downflag-length black-notehead-width) half-stem-thickness))
-;;            (thickness (* flag-thickness staff-space))
-;;            (spacing (* flag-spacing staff-space)))
-;;       empty-stencil
-;;     )
-;;   )
-;; )
-;; ;; Modern straight flags: angles are not so large as with the old style
-;; (define-public (modern-straight-flag stem-grob)
-;;   ((straight-flag 0.55 0.9 -18 0.95 22 1.0) stem-grob))
-;; ;; Old-straight flags (Bach, etc.): quite large flag angles
-;; (define-public (old-straight-flag stem-grob)
-;;   ((straight-flag 0.55 0.9 -45 0.95 45 1.0) stem-grob))
+;; TODO
+(define-public (add-stroke-straight stencil dir stroke-style)
+  stencil
+(define-public (degree-to-radians deg)
+  "Convert the angle given in degree to radians."
+  (let ((pi 3.141592654))
+    (/ (* deg pi) 180)))
+;; Create a stencil for a straight flag
+;; flag-thickness, -spacing are given in staff spaces
+;; *flag-length are given in black notehead widths
+(define-public (straight-flag flag-thickness flag-spacing
+                       upflag-angle upflag-length
+                       downflag-angle downflag-length)
+  (lambda (stem-grob)
+    (let* ((log (ly:grob-property stem-grob 'duration-log))
+           (stem-up? (eqv? (ly:grob-property stem-grob 'direction) UP))
+           (staff-space 1) ; TODO: Does the staff-space scale with the note size? Otherwise we need something else 
+           (black-notehead-width 1) ; TODO: How can I obtain the width of a black notehead (or anything that scales with the note size, in particular for grace notes)?
+           (grob-stem-thickness (ly:grob-property stem-grob 'thickness))
+;           (line-thickness (ly:grob-property stem-grob 'line-thickness)) ; TODO: This doesn't work to get the thickness!!!
+           (line-thickness 0.2) ; TODO: This doesn't work to get the thickness!!!
+           (stem-thickness (* grob-stem-thickness line-thickness))
+           (half-stem-thickness (/ stem-thickness 2))
+           (up-length (+ (* upflag-length black-notehead-width) half-stem-thickness))
+           (up-dy (* (sin (degree-to-radians upflag-angle)) up-length))
+           (up-dx (* (cos (degree-to-radians upflag-angle)) up-length))
+           (down-length (+ (* downflag-length black-notehead-width) half-stem-thickness))
+           (down-dy (* (sin (degree-to-radians downflag-angle)) down-length))
+           (down-dx (* (cos (degree-to-radians downflag-angle)) down-length))
+           (thickness (* flag-thickness staff-space))
+           (spacing (* flag-spacing staff-space))
+           (start (- half-stem-thickness))
+           (points (if stem-up? (list (cons start 0)
+                                      (cons up-dx up-dy)
+                                      (cons up-dx (- up-dy thickness))
+                                      (cons start (- thickness)))
+                                (list (cons start 0)
+                                      (cons start thickness)
+                                      (cons down-dx (+ down-dy thickness))
+                                      (cons down-dx down-dy))))
+           (stencil (ly:round-filled-polygon points half-stem-thickness))
+           )
+      (display "Half-stem-thickness: ")(display half-stem-thickness)(newline)
+      (display "Line-thickness: ")(display line-thickness)(newline)
+      ; Log for 1/8 is 3, so we need to subtract 3 plus 1 for the first recursion
+      (let buildflag ((flag-stencil stencil) (remain (- log 4)) (curr-stencil stencil))
+        (if (> remain 0)
+          (let* ((translated-stencil (ly:stencil-translate-axis curr-stencil
+                                           (if stem-up? (- spacing) spacing) Y))
+                 (new-stencil (ly:stencil-add flag-stencil translated-stencil)))
+              (buildflag new-stencil (- remain 1) translated-stencil))
+          flag-stencil))
+    )
+  )
+;; Modern straight flags: angles are not so large as with the old style
+(define-public (modern-straight-flag stem-grob)
+  ((straight-flag 0.55 1 -18 0.95 22 1.0) stem-grob))
+;; Old-straight flags (Bach, etc.): quite large flag angles
+(define-public (old-straight-flag stem-grob)
+  ((straight-flag 0.55 1 -45 1.2 45 1.4) stem-grob))

<<attachment: flags-straight.png>>

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