2008/12/4 -Eluze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Francisco Vila-5 wrote:
>> Hello, I've fixed and tested this in html NR. Looks good?
> sorry, i don't know how to test or even if i can…

Well, it was targeted to the devel team and I CC-ed to you.

> but i am even more sorry to tell you i found that the same "error" is also
> present in the IR and LM!

I made a model just in NR for approval, now it is applied in LM, NR,
AU and MG. It will be visible in the next release, in

I am still waiting for help on auto built manuals like IR and Snippets list.
I am also waiting for a French string for the new link.

> hope this is not causing to much trouble!

Not at all.
Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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