2008/12/1 Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> - have a bi-weekly newsletter (this will hopefully continue after
>  Aug)

The LilyReport *will* be back. (we can name it otherwise if you
prefer). I have one issue ready-to-release and pending, and I am still
willing (and able) to publish it on a weekly basis.
That being said,
- I'll happily welcome any contribution from anyone else.
- I am not touchy about being in charge of it or not.

> - re-examine popular tweaks and possible add them to ly/
>    (we need to discuss this)


> - *possibly* start training more people in how to fix bugs


> - introduce radically shorter development cycles
>    (we need to discuss this)

Having a bi-weekly devel release is great. I assume you're referring
to stable releases.


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