>     $ python -c 'import foo; print foo.Foo, foo.Foo(), foo.Bar, foo.Bar()'
>     foo.Foo <foo.Foo instance at 0x7ff60533fd88>
>     foo.Bar <foo.Bar instance at 0x7ff60533fd88>

I get

  foo.Foo <foo.Foo instance at 0xb7bbafac>
  foo.Bar <foo.Bar instance at 0xb7bbafac>

which is basically the same.  This means that the problem is probably

Attached is the output of running

  PYTHONVERBOSE=1 make all 2> make.all.python

(I've already typed in `make all' before; what you see in the stderr
log file is really just the error message during the call to python).
Maybe this helps.

Another potential problem comes to my mind: Where exactly are
lilypond's python modules installed after `make install'?  Is it
possible that python uses lilypond PYC files which have been installed
already, instead of using python files of the current build?

I haven't done a `make uninstall' of the previous lilypond version
before doing a `make all' with the new version -- and, to be honest,
this must never, ever be a prerequisite.


Attachment: make.all.python.bz2
Description: Binary data

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