Regarding NR 6.7, the current text is misleading (if not wrong). It says that
"|\tweak| doesn’t behave like an articulation regarding the syntax"
but in fact you can use
c-\tweak #'font-size #-3 \flageolet
What's correct about the current formulation is that you cannot use
c^\tweak #'font-size #-3 \flageolet or c_\tweak #'font-size #-3 \flageolet

However, this is not the problem with the example shown in the manual.
There, the syntactic problem appears in the attempt to define the macro F
and is rather related to the syntactical limitations of what you can do in
a macro definition.


Mats Bengtsson wrote:

Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
N.R 6.7 shows the use of Scheme code as an articulation. The reason why
this works is unclear to me, but I can see there is some power here. An
explanation would be really helpful. The articulation that is added is not
a Scheme function, but rather the return part of a Scheme function.
An articulation is represented by a Scheme expression (not a Scheme function):

Here, a Scheme function is used, which constructs such an expression. These things are pretty common in the world of Scheme and similar languages. I once worked with a huge program implemented in LISP, where the program constructed new LISP expressions, which were evaluated and in their turn constructed new LISP expressions which were evaluated ... and in the end returned something. I can honestly say that none of us at the company understood fully how that program worked, but for some weird reason it seemed to work fairly well anyway.


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        Mats Bengtsson
        Signal Processing
        School of Electrical Engineering
        Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463                         
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