On the "Sponsoring - See what you can do" page,

( http://lilypond.org/web/sponsor/options )

Clicking on the PayPal payments link sends the user to 
a webpage with a form to fill out in Dutch. There's no
easy way to change the language. Maybe it's a small
thing, but I don't think so. I think someone who's 
considering making a donation might be easily turned
away by the language barrier.

Also, since it's not a proper html "anchor" link, I
checked out the source code to see what element was
selecting the Dutch language automatically, and it 
looks like the only possible cause is the line:

<inputtype="hidden" name="business" ...

Maybe the "hanwen..." business has some setting that
defaults to Dutch?

I don't know how often you guys get donations, but
addressing this issue will make it easier for people
to donate.

- Mark


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