Greetings everybody,
Hi Andrew, sorry for the delay.

2008/7/1 Andrew Hawryluk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Valentin
> I removed this from the Piano Pedal documentation. Do you think it's
> worth including in LSR? I am thinking no, but wanted a second opinion
> before it vanishes forever:

> %% begin documentation excerpt
> For fine-tuning the appearance of a pedal bracket, the properties
> @code{edge-width}, @code{edge-height}, and @code{shorten-pair} of
> @code{PianoPedalBracket} objects can be modified.  For example, the
> bracket may be extended to the right edge of the note head

I've seen you've added this to the LSR and you did well; I replaced
your snippet by a more complete one as

However, I am completely clueless about this "edge-width" property. I
can see that such a property has indeed existed, and has been renamed
to edge-widen in 2002, then turned into bracket-flare in 2004, and...

And it seems that it no longer applies to pedal brackets! In the
following snippet, the first and second bracket look the same:

\relative c'' {
  \set Staff.pedalSustainStyle = #'bracket
  c1\sustainOn c c\sustainOff c
  \override Staff.PianoPedalBracket #'bracket-flare = #'(0.5 . 0.5)
  c1\sustainOn c c\sustainOff c

Is it a bug, anyone?


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