Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
Perhaps it
would be clearer if we started with single-staff polyphony with named and
explicitly created voices, along with the \voiceOne through \voiceFour
We could then introduce the << \\ >> syntax as a simple way to handle music
where we don't care that temporary voices are created and then discarded.
It seems to me to be much easier to go from the full understanding to the
shortcut than the other way around. But that could be just how I think.
With the risking of sounding negative, I'm not sure I agree. The <<{...}
\\ {...}>> feature
is so much easier to teach and use (at least at a basic level), whereas
the explicit creation of
contexts is much more involved. We have lots of users who have survived
well for several
years using the <<{...} \\ {...} >> feature. Of course, once they hit
the beaming problem or
lyrics problem, they have to struggle a bit, but then they are already
more mature LilyPond
users and perhaps better prepared to realize what it's all about and to
take the struggle.
Seriously, how many of you had a "full understanding" of the explicit
context creation
one year ago?
I would propose to still introduce the <<{...} \\ {...} >> feature
first, but with some bells
and whistles saying that you might get problems together with lyrics and
automatic beaming
and telling where to look at that time.
We use the same strategy when introducing the short-hand
\relative c'{ c d e f g a b c }
before the full explicit creation of all contexts:
\new Staff{
\new Voice{
\relative c'{
c d e f g a b c
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