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Am Sonntag, 20. Juli 2008 schrieb John Mandereau:
> On 2008/07/19 21:19 +0200, Reinhold Kainhofer wrote:
> > Okay, I've now added the script buildscripts/extract_texi_filenames.py to
> > create that list (tab-separated file with entries
> > NODENAME\tFILENAME\tANCHORNAME). I took the texi-gettext.py file and
> > adjusted it (basically rewrote everything, but the ideas can still be
> > seen in my script).
> This sounds good.  I'll compile and look at dev/texi2html tomorrow or
> later, to see what you did and what I can do.

Okay. BTW, I've now added this script to the makefiles and also added 
the %_xref.map file as dependency for the %.html file in 

I tried adding the *_xref.map files to the local-WWW-1 target in 
texinfo-rules.make, but for some unknown reason this did not have any effect, 
so I added it to Documentation/user/GNUmakefile.

If you build the dev/texi2html branch, don't worry about the excessive debug 
output, which is in the init file, because I've not yet managed to properly 
load the map files.

> > and where $(XREF_MAP_FILES) as prerequisites for a target?
> in texinfo-targets.make, e.g.
> local-WWW-1: $(XREF_MAP_FILES) [[other possibly existing prerequisites]]

Unfortunately, this didn't have any effect for me...

> > The only issue that I see with the makefiles is that if one .tely file
> > changes a node name, where other manuals point to, how can we make sure
> > that those other manuals get rebuilt with the new link target file name?
> > The *_xref.map file for that changed manual will be updated, but I don't
> > see a way to automatically rebuild the other manuals except by adding all
> > _xref.map files as prerequisites for all texinfo files. This would then
> > mean that just one node name change would trigger a rebuild of all .html
> > files, which is far from ideal...
> I can't see a reasonable solution other than adding _xref.map files
> as prerequisites.  The best thing for compiling the documentation would
> be to write yet another script which would write .dep files as needed to
> force regenerating docs compilation, but there are much more important
> issues IMHO.

Well, for now I'd say we can also ignore this problem. a clean doc build will 
always work correctly, 

> We have one Texinfo document (called 'lilypond-snippets') in input/lsr,
> and all other in Documentation/user.  We want to share info for cross
> references between all these documents, so the best place is to create a
> new directory at <top-dir>/out.  Of course, this requires adding a -I or
> --include option so that texi2html finds the _ref.map files.
> For a simpler solution, we could just turn off cross-references advanced
> resolution you implemented from and to lilypond-snippets, which would
> work with cross-references we currently use.

If the init file can't find a map file, it will default to the standard target 

- -- 
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
Reinhold Kainhofer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://reinhold.kainhofer.com/
 * Financial and Actuarial Mathematics, TU Wien, http://www.fam.tuwien.ac.at/
 * K Desktop Environment, http://www.kde.org, KOrganizer maintainer
 * Chorvereinigung "Jung-Wien", http://www.jung-wien.at/
Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


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